B2B Health Check

This page describes the configuration needed to set up the health check of the B2B back-end. The health check focuses that the following services are working and active:

  • FILE
  • SFTP

Docker Compose

    test: curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/b2bbp-engine/clusternodeinfo' 2>/dev/null | grep -q '<allServicesRunning>true</allServicesRunning>' && exit 0 || exit 1
    interval: 30s
    timeout: 10s
    retries: 3
    start_period: 30s

Configure interval, timeout, retries, start_period as needed

B2B Admin

Global Properties:

Ensure that this activity is configured to true:


Another property that can determine the timeout limit is:


This value is in seconds and therefore this means if for example a file service is not processing for 300 seconds, it is considered inactive. Note that the default value is 300 seconds (if not configured)


Ensure all index services/jobs are changed to type ‘SCHEDULER’


The health check depends on the clusternodeinfo endpoint which ignores SCHEDULER type.

The clusternodeinfo retrieves all services which are attached to a node.

INDEX type services are not ignored as of now and since index jobs are not continuously running, they can be considered inactive, and the health check will fail.

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